Who Are We?
After all, the ultimate goal of all research is
not objectivity, but truth.
- Helene Deutsch

SusDAf’s mission is to provide tailor-made, high quality social research and community developmental services in a realistic manner, across a range of disciplines that will always take into consideration the views and opinions of those targeted by the intervention.
We offer specialised, quality, realistic, time-bound and state of the art services to clients in the public, private and civil society sectors based on high ethical and professional standards. The principles and associates of SusDAf combined have worked in more than 10 African countries, and are always willing to travel to far reaching places.

Mission & Vision
Where have principals of SusDAf provided consultancy services?
Tanzania (incl. Zanzibar)
South Africa

To provide tailor made, high quality social research and community development services.

We Are Experienced, Innovative, Efficient, Realistic & Impact Oriented
We challenge ourselves
- we deliver more value, at scale with the sole purpose of positive change to end-users
We challenge our clients
- we are not afraid to ask the tough questions and help clients to challenge themselves or their sectors.
We challenge the end-user
- be as involved as you possibly can in your own development.